Thursday 2 January 2014

My Role In Nation Building

I am a Nigerian Child. A child born into a generation of commotion. A child born in a time of confusion. A time of ethnic differences. A time of disputes between cultures and between religions. YET, I remain optimistic that at the end of this dark tunnel, there is a light. A light for you, a light for me. But I want to be part of that light. I want to make an impact. I want to bring change. I want to know that if I leave this world, I leave it knowing I played my part. But what is my part?

 Nigeria as a nation has grown immensely since its independence that we can all agree that we have electricity...every once in a while. We have good some places. We have great lecturers...that are nowhere to be found. We have grown, yes, but is that growth enough? 

Our nation was built on the solid foundation of integrity, driven by the supporting force of determination but still needs one main element to make it the right nation. Every child was but an onlooker to these achievements, but now we have decided to take part. Take part to take change. My role in nation-building starts with this guy and it starts with that guy. You know why? It's because we are the nation. Our character, our attitudes reflect our being as a people. Indirectly what I'm saying is we need to change our corrupt mindset that we call 'Nigerian mentality' towards a more positive outlook. We need to start looking at the glass of water half-full and not half-empty. Only then will we begin to realize the changes we so much crave for in our society. As a 15-year old citizen of Nigeria, I am endeared with the responsibility of studying the history of my country and the biography of her true patriots. Their shoes are waiting to be worn. I should be able to find the well from which they drew their inspiration from and draw a bucketful of experience and patriotism. I should be able to look their eyes and understand their vision for Nigeria. I should be able to understand what made them true leaders and also fight to become a champion of democracy. I should walk in the footsteps of Ahmadu Bello and shine in the light of Nnamdi Azikiwe. I should be driven by the courage of Tafawa Balewa and be motivated by the perseverence of Obafemi Awolowo. I should understand democracy and understudy the underlying principles of politics in a safe level. These indeed are my guiding principles, my stepping stones, the boundaries within which I think and act. In line with the beliefs of the late Nelson Mandela, may his blessed soul rest in perfect peace, we need to start focusing on what unites us and not what divides us. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, this isn't only my role. It's your role, it's his role, it's her role, it's our role, it's the Nigerians role! I challenge each and every one of you here today to take responsibility for your roles and who knows...we might just be that step closer to the actualisation of the Nigerian dream!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, I remember this speach. Saeed you have come a long way
